By collecting bio-waste efficiently in high-rise buildings we actually achieve two things at the same time: first, the residual waste becomes cleaner and can be recycled better. Secondly, high quality collected bio-waste can be fermented and composted. This can be used to make biogas and compost, among other things. Compost can be reused in agriculture and horticulture to grow food. This way less residual waste is burned and we emit less carbon dioxide. In addition, studies have shown that for every kilogram of bio-waste collected and composted, up to almost one kilogram of carbon dioxide is saved by not burning it. This way we can contribute to the circular economy!


Sidcon is market leader in the Netherlands for underfloor press containers where sustainability is very important. We work based on two important pillars: efficiency and technology. Through constant innovation and development of waste collection equipment, we contribute to reducing the CO2 emissions of our partners. We also look internally at how we can reduce our carbon footprint. To do this, we critically evaluate our purchasing, production, and also transportation. We also committed to look at the carbon footprint in our chain and in our sector to see if we can reduce emissions even further. In the Netherlands, this is called CO2 Ladder 5, the highest possible level.

Over the past 15 years, Sidcon has grown into a medium-sized company with 30 employees. We do everything from development, production, delivery, installation and service. This makes us a full-service partner where quality plays a major role.


The design of our products is deliberately designed for usability and durability. They should be used as long as possible, be robust and as low-maintenance as possible. In addition to this, you will receive the highest service level possible.

Routine maintenance is carried out by ourselves. Even between scheduled maintenance intervals, you and we have an overview at all times. All collection stations are connected to our central monitoring system. This allows us to read the status of each station in real time. Should any malfunctions occur, we can detect this immediately and quickly initiate suitable measures to remedy the situation.